
These Cryptocurrency Jobs Will Helps You To Find New Avenues

From journalists to engineers, the Bitcoin boom has formed jobs that are dependent on a variety of skill sets. If you are among them who have a set of skills in the digital currency space, then this article is for you. Here are some cryptocurrency jobs that you can consider as your career option. 

Remember the time when the only form of currency you were worried about are the ones sitting in your wallet presently? But now money has changed the copper pennies to completely digital. Digital currency, blockchain, Bitcoin, you hear these words in the news and also see them all over social media. So let us first quickly see what these imply and why it is gaining adoption presently. 

What Is Cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency is a digital currency that can be accessed only digitally. It works on a system known as the blockchain network that acts as a digital ledger and keeps all the records of all the transactions. These cryptos are mainly decentralized, which means no intermediary is there to control the process that makes this network secure. For this reason, more and more individuals and organizations have started to adopt cryptos and many also invest in these currencies. The crypto space is huge and there are various cryptocurrency jobs that you can opt for as this is based on a technology and so there is a wider place for reporting and analyzing. 

Cryptocurrency Jobs That You Can Opt For

According to reports, the crypto job market is increasing. According to a report by Indeed, the posting of cryptocurrency jobs have increased by 118% as of 2021 July, compared with the last year, and LinkedIn stated a 395% hike in postings with titles that contains terms like “ethereum,” “blockchain”, “bitcoin,” and “cryptocurrency” from 2020 to 2021.

Digital currencies like Dogecoin, Bitcoin, and Ethereum, among several others are global digital currencies in the form of virtual coins that can be traded every time as the market is open 24*7. These coins are secured by a technology that is known as cryptography and they do not depend on banks. The crypto coins are stored in the digital wallets of the user by using a private key. All these developments and technologies pave the way for various job opportunities. You will find many cryptocurrency jobs in India. So now let us begin with the crypto job list. 

Business Development Representative

As with any flourishing arena, digital currency is formulating new business opportunities across various industries. So there is a need for people to seek those out, push item partnerships, and close deals. 

Beyond a vivid understanding of the aim of the cryptocurrency application of your company, business development representatives should have some experience in sales and good communication skills. Many have degrees in finance, business, or communications.

Data Scientist

The Blockchain technology is relatively latest and at times misunderstood, which implies that there is a very high demand for experts in data science, according to Harrison Brady, who is a communications specialist at Frontier Communications, which is a  telecommunications company headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut. Your responsibility would be to analyze transaction data to allow engineers to streamline their experiences.

Financial Analyst

Organizations like insurance agencies and hedge funds, along with private investors are looking to invest in digital currency. A typical day associates suggesting investments, creating investment strategies such as best time to buy and sell, predicting risks, and maintaining investment portfolios.  

Generally, financial analysts hold a degree of bachelor’s along with a license, usually from the Financial Industry Regulation Authority. After an experience of nearly four years, many go on to become Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certified. Along with that, having a top-notch computer, analytical, and math skills will make you a competitive participant when applying to cryptocurrency jobs online. You are required to be able to evaluate how the latest policies, regulations, political situations, and also economic trends may impact investments.


Who do you know all this crypto news from? Journalists. As a journalist, you would cover the relevant news on digital currency and blockchain technology. You might also be reporting for a magazine, blog, newspaper, or even a brand. There are several blockchain jobs in journalism that you can choose from. 

Most journalists begin by interning at a magazine or newspaper and have a degree of bachelor in communications, journalism, or an associated field. Writing samples are the primary thing to landing a position.

Research analyst

Sure, most industries require research analysts, but in the latest fields like crypto, the chances for employment are huge. According to Jon Brodsky, who leads’s US functions, a New York City-based entity that allows people to make good professional and personal decisions.

“This role has been created to help educate Americans about developments in the cryptocurrency industry and make better decisions.” 

A research analyst should have rigid strategic thinking, data analysis, and written communication skills. They should also have a vivid evaluation of the digital currency industry that deals with differences and availability between technologies, currencies, trading platforms, applications, and many more. Analysts typically have at least a degree in bachelors in market research or an associated field.

The Bottom Line

Cryptocurrency has evolved in popularity as it is less expensive and is convenient to understand compared to the traditional stock market. As the demand for digital currencies increases, the number of cryptocurrency jobs also increases. Many of these jobs need technical expertise in machine learning, Java, AI (artificial intelligence), and all related fields. If you are looking for cryptocurrency jobs with no experience, you can get even that as well. This is because this is a relatively new technology, so companies understand the fact that it is not possible for all to know. You can get the scope to learn while you are working.

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