
Social Media Crypto Influencers Brings Latest Changes In The Industry

The last year was filled with NFTs and Bitcoins, from a country named El Salvador adopting Bitcoin as a legal tender to a paperwork known as Beeple being sold at $69 million USD. 2022 has already set the stage for digital currencies to dominate the regular headlines. So we have curated top social media crypto influencers who have always influenced users for entering into the world of digital currencies. 

Top Social Media Crypto Influencers Of Present Day

Back in the 90s when the digital currency was just dreamt of by a few corporate and tech experts, a little popular startup known as DigiCash was born. This then became the foundation of a concept that is presently so popular that most people are aware of digital currencies, even if they fail to explain the basics of blockchain and its works. 

Presently, there are over 10,000 cryptos and it is not possible for the users to keep a track of all these cryptos and their basics. So this is when social media crypto influencers come into play. There are a group of these thought leaders and crypto pioneers sharing market insights and their perspectives globally. Here we are going to discuss some of the big social media crypto influencers of the present time. Without any further delay let us begin with the list of top crypto influencers on Twitter and also other social media platforms. 

Vitalik Buterin

There is no better way to start this list than with the co-founder of one of the top cryptocurrencies Ethereum, that is presently in circulation. The underlying technology of Buterin that makes Ether operate also powers most of the NFT transactions presently. Buterin is among the youngest crypto billionaires, the co-founder of Bitcoin Magazine, and an advocate for abolishing daylight savings. Buterin is highly active on Twitter where he is just exposed to 3 million followers with whom he shares news stories, reviews, and resources on all things about crypto and blockchain. 

Roger Ver

More famously known as Bitcoin Jesus for being among the earliest proponents and adopters of Bitcoin in 2011, Roger Ver is also popularly known to have invested huge sums of money in crypto-related startups that include Ripple, Kraken, Bitcoin, etc. He was also among the first adopters of accepting payments through digital currency and is known to offer huge optimism for Bitcoin and the blockchain technology. He is very active on Twitter and shares his enthusiasm and other latest news and data with his 740K followers.

Adam Back

Adam Back is broadly regarded as the person who formed the proof-of-work network that is used in blockchain and digital currency verification. He is also known as the person behind some of the most revolutionary crypto-financial creations that involve security architecture and cryptography protocols via his entity Blockstream. Users can follow his updates related to cryptocurrency security and Bitcoin among other things with his 420K plus followers.

Jack Dorsey

This is an important name in our list of crypto influencers. You cannot discuss digital currency without mentioning Jack Dorsey, one of its most enthusiastic speakers and the CEO of Twitter until recently. With more than six million followers, the voice of Dorsey is among the most influential in the digital currency market. His latest comments regarding Web3 being owned by venture capitalists stimulated a hornet’s nest while his optimistic predictions for Bitcoin are always a joy to know. Make sure you are following Dorsey to remain updated about the bad, good, and everything about the crypto space. 

Elon Musk

The Big Daddy among all the social media crypto influencers, Elon Musk is single-handedly the reason for many of the price shifts witnessed in the space of cryptocurrency in 2021. From his passion for Dogecoin to approving and then going back on being able to purchase Tesla cars with BTCs and more, without Elon Musk and his tweets, the crypto space would definitely not be as exciting as it is today. Not following the individual whose single tweet can sink or rally a digital currency is similar to hiding from the storm when it’s right outside your house. 

Altcoin Sara

We are all for diversity and we could not be more excited to speak about Altcoin Sara, a digital currency content creator who is famous for its crypto headlines and market analysis and is highly regarded among the crypto community. Along with that, Sara is also a fitness enthusiast with her Instagram account filled with pictures that will stimulate you to begin trading from your gym right away. She is among the top cryptocurrency influencers on Instagram. Obviously, the best way to keep up with her is via her Twitter handle.

Nischal Shetty

The next on our list is crypto influencers India. If you have not been following Nischal Shetty, CEO and Founder of WazirX, you have been missing out a lot. From analyzing news about crypto from across the globe along with sharing candid ideas about the proposed cryptocurrency regulation of India to laying out information about Web3 in a brief manner and his famed #IndiaWantsCrypto hashtag, the account of Shetty and his more than 418K followers make him the top social media crypto influencer in India. 

Final Thought

Cryptocurrency is in the hype now and everyone is talking about the same. It is anticipated that from this year, this technology is going to create really big headlines. This wide adoption and awareness about digital currency have been possible because of several social media crypto influencers who have highly influenced their followers. This crypto influencer marketing has been trending in the present time.  In the above section, we have discussed a few leading crypto influencers across various social media platforms who are surely bringing a change in this sector.

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