Blockchain Technology Facts

Important Blockchain Technology Facts That You Should Not Miss Knowing

Blockchain technology can improve the primary services that are important in trade finance. But what is blockchain? The blockchain technology depends on a digitalized, decentralized, and distributed ledger structure. By its nature, it is more secure and robust in comparison to the proprietary, centralized structures which are presently used to trade in this ecosystem. In this article, we are going to talk about several blockchain technology facts that every crypto enthusiast should know about. 

Blockchain technology formulates a decentralized, viable, record of transactions that is the distributed ledger which enables the substitution of one master database. It keeps an immutable record of each transaction, back to the initial point of a transaction. It is also called provenance, which is important in trade financing, enabling financial establishments for reviewing all transaction steps and decrease the risk of fraud. Without any further delay let us start with the various blockchain facts 2022. 

Important Blockchain Technology Facts

The application of blockchain also provides a far better avenue for creating and offering identity in comparison to present day systems. This technology greatly simplifies the direct transfer of any traded asset and raises confidence in its provenance. This is attained via offering unique, non forgeable identities for digital assets, along with an inviolable record of their ownership. The outcome is an opportunity for added financing services that are based on trading physical goods. With that, let us have a look at the various blockchain technology facts that we all should know about. 

Blockchain And Bitcoin Are Not The Same

This is one of the most important blockchain technology facts that you should know about. There are many who assume that Bitcoin and blockchain are the same. Blockchain is the underlying technology of Bitcoin. They are closely associated but are not at all the same thing. 

In 2008, Bitcoin was invented as a form of unregulated cryptocurrency formulated by pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto. Blockchain was a digital ledger solution employed to securely record boosting the use of this new currency as there were no government or banks associated with the police or monitoring the transaction. As such, BTC can actually be considered as the first use case, taking advantage of the blockchain technology. The confusion between Bitcoin and the blockchain technology often arises as these two ideas were introduced at the same time. The Bitcoin blockchain size is 324 gigabytes. 

Data Stored On Blockchain Is Public

This statement is partly correct. Some public blockchains are open, while others are privately available only to specific users. The use case will evaluate which type of blockchain is required. There are primarily three types of blockchains:

Public Blockchain

In a public blockchain, the user can turn into a member of the whole blockchain network. This implies that they can store, receive, and send data after downloading the needed software on their respective devices. Enabling anyone to write and read, the data is kept on the network as it is available to everyone across the globe. 

A public blockchain is fully decentralized. The authority to read and write data onto the blockchain network is equally shared by all linked users, who arrive at the consensus before any data is kept in the database. 

Private Blockchains

In a private blockchain, the authority to write, receive, and send data is controlled by one organization. Private blockchains are generally used within an organization with only a few particular users enabled to access it and perform transactions.

The organization in control has the authority to change the rules of a private blockchain and may also disrupt transactions based on their created rules and regulations.

Consortium Blockchains

A consortium blockchain, also known as a permissioned blockchain can be thought of as a hybrid model among the low-trust provided by public blockchains and the single highly-trusted business model of private blockchains. Instead of enabling any user to take part in the verification of the transaction processor on the other end just enabling one single entity to have complete control, in a consortium blockchain a few chosen parties are predetermined. It only enables a restricted number of users the permission to take part in the consensus process.

On The Blockchain, Private Data Is Visible To Everybody

People often assume that all their data and transaction details listed on to the blockchain are public, dependent on the fact that the distributed ledger is public. This is incorrect and this blockchain technology fact should be corrected.

Even though visibility depends on varied use cases and the technology deployed. Constricting the scope to this question – for business to business aims, all transactions are private and are only visible with the suitable permissions. A company taking advantage of a blockchain to distribute data to their suppliers does not imply their competitors can see their suppliers or what they are purchasing. Nor can the suppliers know about other suppliers’ data. It is all secure and private and the suppliers only see the information the buyer has permissioned them to see.

There Is Only One Blockchain

This is among the most important blockchain technology facts that you should clear at the beginning. The term blockchain is most often employed to illustrate a ledger technology, not a specific item or solution. A blockchain solution will have the similar common denominators like being underpinned or distributed by cryptography and having some type of consensus mechanism.

However, there are several blockchains that come in public, authorized, or private versions. Presently, there are dozens of varied protocols, thought of as blockchains, and can be distincted as distributed ledger technologies. For instance Corda from R3, Ethereum, Fabric from IBM, and Ripple.

Smart Contracts Are Legal Documents

The term smart contract is completely misleading. They are neither “contract” nor “smart” typically created as legal documents. Smart contracts which were initially introduced as a term by cryptography researcher Nick Szabo in 1994 are primarily software of script codes written by developers and entered onto a blockchain. They are written as transaction methodologies usually triggered by events. As an instance, if goods arrive at the warehouse of this customer by this date, release payment to the supplier. Thus, automatically by entities updating receipts and shipments Smart Contracts can automatically perform activities. This discards the requirement to handle time consuming and costly manual business processes.


Cryptocurrency is still a new phenomenon and the technology behind it is still alien to many. And as per the blockchain adoption statistics, it is still on the lower side. Blockchain technology is a complicated concept that needs a good amount of dedication to understanding. But before you start to understand the concept, there are various blockchain technology facts that you need to understand. In the above article, we have spoken about all those facts that surround blockchain.

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